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Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Future - Written by Chris Browne

Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Future

The title of this blog is taken from Charles Dickens novel called A Christmas Carol. There are many messages for life in this wonderful tale. One of the messages of this story is that Christmas is forever. In C S Lewis' The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe it was always Winter but never Christmas. Aslan changed all that so it was never Winter without Christmas.

I have heard some politicians and commentators say that Christmas is cancelled this year. Let me assure you that Christmas cannot be cancelled. Why? Because when the baby Jesus was born in humble circumstances in Bethlehem around 2020 years ago the promise was made by God that what was happening was everlasting. A Saviour was born who would bring joy to the world and we cannot remove that event. History books record the birth and life of Jesus. It's not a myth or a made-up story it actually happened. The Bible and non-Christian history books bear witness to Jesus being a great teacher of peace and love, with miraculous, healing powers. A man who bore the sorrows of being human and Christian’s believe Jesus was God in human form. A man who sacrificed his life for others. This hope has transcended the years and is no different in 2020. All the things brought into the world through the birth of Jesus are everlasting. My birthday in December has been celebrated every year and it will be this year. Why? Because it happened. I was born. Unfortunately, I did not bring into the world the wonder, love, hope and peace that came with the birth of Jesus.

A Christmas Carol tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge who for many years didn’t celebrate Christmas but eventually he discovered it was still going on and he wanted to join in. He discovered he had missed it and wanted it back.

I am just saying ‘It is impossible to cancel Christmas’


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