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Marriage and Relationships - The Views of Teenagers

All the major religions and in fact most of societies throughout the world support long-term lasting relationships. Religion has much to say about marriage and relationships and R E should be a major player in the education of young people on this subject. This is a major reason why we should not neglect RE in our schools and a key reason why young people should find RE an important subject to study.

A poll of 1011 young people in England aged 14-17 was conducted by Survation in December 2017. This was commissioned by the Social Justice Centre and the Family Stability Network. The results were weighted to provide a cross-section of opinion. These were the results:

  • 72% said they wanted relationship education to help them build long-term lasting relationships as adults.

  • 78% said learning how to develop lasting long-term relationships was just as or more important than learning about long-term careers.

  • Despite half of young people experiencing marriage and family breakdowns 77% of teenagers still said developing a long-term lasting relationship in life is important or very important to them.

  • 78% of teenagers wanted to get married and only 4% ruled it out completely. This is a big one for Religious Education.

  • When asked ‘is being married and living together the same thing?’ 41% said yes and 39% said no.

Where do young people learn about developing long-term, lasting relationships?

  • 58% look online

  • 42% said that there wasn’t enough good information on line.

  • 29% would ask a teacher

  • 72% said they would go to friends for advice.

  • 66% said they would go to parents for advice

  • 56% said they think it is harder to form long-term lasting relationships now than it was for past generations.

(These statistics are from a poll conducted by Survation for the Family Stability Network and Centre for Social Justice and more information can be found on their website

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