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Out of Evil Comes Good

You may have seen or heard of ‘Joseph and his Technicolour Dream Coat’. The story is from the Old Testament and belongs to Christian, Jewish and Muslim traditions and is found in their scriptures. To cut a long story short, Joseph is sold as a slave by his jealous brothers and ends up in Egypt where he eventually saves the Egyptians and his own family from the perils of famine. Out of evil comes good. This is a theme repeated in all the major religions. The Hindu story of Rama and Sita is about good conquering evil.

I have noticed that there has been a coming together of faiths since the terror of Westminster Bridge. This week Pope Francis welcomed four British Muslim Leaders to the Vatican with the hope of opening a dialogue between Christians and Muslims. The Memorial Service at Westminster Abbey for the victims of the tragedy on Westminster Bridge was a multi- faith service. Multi-faith leaders also conducted a service together the day after the attack. Dare we hope that we are entering a new dawn where people of all faiths work together and respect each other. Will good come out of the evil on Westminster Bridge? I suspect it already has.

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